Programming Cloud Services for Android Handheld Systems Week 3
- Java Annotation @indentifier by compiler
HTTP to Object Marshalling
Intro to JSON
- The Spring Dispatcher Servlet and Controller Abstraction using spring framework to dispatcher servlet: extract parameter from request, validation,construct object with params
Spring Controllers tell the dispatcher servlet @Controller public class ContactsCtrl{ @RequestMapping(“/contacts”) public Contacts getContacts(){ //retrieve contacts
return C; } @RequestMapping("/friends") public Contacts friends(){ } }
need to connect to the request use @annotation
Accepting Client Data with RequestParam Annotations @Controller public class ContactsCtrl{ @RequestMapping(“/path”) public Contacts search( //http request paramters with key search @RequestParam(“search”) String searchString, //convert flag to int @RequestParam(“flag”) int searchFlag){
Accepting ClientData with PathVarialbe Annotations rest architecture // /search/ab //look into the path, things after the /search/ is a variable named string @RequestMapping(“/search/{string}”) public Contacts search( @PathVar(“string”) String searchStr, @RequestParam(“flag”) int flag){ return; }
Accepting Client Data with Request Body Annotaions & JSON
public class Search{ private String first; private String last; } @RequestMapping(“search”) public Contacts search( //take all the params to convert to a seach body, HTTP message convert @RequestBody Search s){
Handling Multipart Data public Class VideoSvc{ public boolean uploadVideo( @RequestParam(“data”) MultipartFile videoData){
InputStream in = VideoData.getInputStream(); //save to desk //save to database
} } //add a new bean to accept multipart data public Class Application{ @Bean public MultipartConfigElement getMultipartConfig(){ MultipartConfigFactory f = … f.setMaxFileSize(2000); f.setMaxRequestSize(); return f.createMultipartConfig(); } }
Generating Responses with the ResponseBody Annotation //return the response body to json public @ResponseBody contact search(){ //find contact
return contact;
- Custom Marshlling with Jackson Annotations
public Video createVideo(video){ //from json //Jackson ObjectMaper //to json } @JsonIgnore
Spring Boot & Application structure
Spring Controller Code Walkthrough