Notes For Mobile Cloud
Introduction to the mobile cloud
What are communication Protocols how to commucate: syntax (format of messages) semantics (meaning of message) timing (how long wait/process next)
Intro to HTTP
What is a Cloud Service
HTTP Request Methods
HTTP Request Anatomy
URLs & Query Parameters
URL format: http://host:por/pat¶meter1=2 URL Encoding: If you pass special charaters in the url, it will automaticlly encoding.
- Mime Types & Content Type Headers
Both client and server can send Body Images have different format, like jpg, png pure text or html format how to interpret these formats MIME Types: (Describing the http body) image/jpg image/png text/plain text/html either in a request or response, client and server will decide how to interpret these data meta information Content-type(header) describe the mime type
- Request Body Encoding
How to send data to server mime type in body: url encoded form data (simple key value) multipart (uploading data) applicaiton/json
- HTTP Response Anatomy
Satus line 1. response code (what happened on server) 2. headers: content-type(MIME) 3. body: actual data
HTTP Response Codes
100-500 1XX: info 2XX: success 200: OK 3XX: redirection 4XX: client error 404: not found 5XX: server error 500: server error
Cookies logged in same client small piece file server send to client to save client add these to request header