This is the 9th week of year 2014 and also the last week in Feburay.

I want to say something, but I don’t know where I can start.

I always want to change but I don’t know how.

I might know the reason, it is because I am too lazy.

So, I think it is time to change.

And here is the plan of March:


  1. listen to an episode one day
  2. write a short diary one day


  1. This week I will work on spring 3 mvc and figure out the details of a framework in these recepts:
  2. Controller
  3. Action
  4. FormData
  5. Validation
  6. i18n
  7. ErrorHandler
  8. Inteceptor

  9. Still look at the algorithms in coursera
  10. Union-Find
  11. Analysis of Algorithms
  12. Stacks and Queues
  13. Elementary Sorts
  14. Mergesort
  15. Quicksort
  16. Priority Queues
  17. Elementary Symbol Tables